

To Spread Quality Education to Diversified Humanity In Economical Way And Produce Versatile Professionals To Serve Nationally And Internationally.


To Maintain The Leading Position In The Field Of Technical Education By Imparting.Quality Education Via Latest Technical Norms, Under The Mentorship Of Highly Qualified & Skilled Faculty In Conducive Environment, So That Well Equipped, Trained & Human Resource With Right Mix May Serve The Nation And Fulfill The Market Demand.


Our mission is to help, build an educated & Prosperous Pakistan in 21st Century and to provide a quality education system in Pakistan & become a leading academic institution having National & International reorganization with standard of teaching & learning. Our objective is to enhance higher education in Pakistan with quality product of students in the field of learning & professional knowledge. We are committed to becoming one of the leading centers of education in Pakistan, while serving the intellectual, cultural, social environmental & economic needs of the country. The result is that, it will cause human development through educational programs & out rich efforts.


The institute hopes to achieve exemplary education based on integrated core curriculum & technology aided teaching and learning processes. The institute will make every effort to develop the cultural climate for bringing about a change in the youth of Pakistan for heal thy competition & betterment of the society, Emphasizing at the same time on the development of leading & collegiality. The institute will develop technology, infrastructure & information resources necessary to support the institute programs/services.


Our aim is to prepare technologists who have the character & skills that the country needs, who would be readily employ able on graduation to serve the nation. The most pressing need of the country is self reliance to which institution like us which can respond not only adopting technology from elsewhere but also developing its own.


In that pursuit, we endeavor to train a community who is application focused and capable of independent & analytical thinking having strong interpersonal, managing skills & a rational human being.


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