Mr. FasihUddin Ahmed, the General Secretary of Anjuman-e-Islamia Trust had the ability to successfully follow the footsteps of his father Late Al-Haj Moulvi Rayazuddin Ahmed (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Pakistan). After the establishment of Jinnah Polytechnic Institute, Mr. FasihUddin Ahmed worked day and night to complete the mission of his late father. He qualified DAE in Mechanical Technology from Jinnah Polytechnic Institute and served also as Vice Principal in Zubaida Polytechnic Institute for many years. He realized the important role of educated boys in the Technical education. With this aim he arose to use the tool of education to empower boys with his pure innate intention to serve for the cause of technical education. He was humble person for the weak, the destitute and the needy. His death created a vacuum and to feel his absence is certainly painful for every person in the Institute. It is a fact that present state of the Institute in terms of infrastructure, academic pursuit and all relevant aspect in this regard is due to tireless, sincere devotion of Mr. Fasihuddin Ahmed (late). All stakeholders of the Jinnah Polytechnic Institute are thankful and pray for the eternal peace of his departed soul (Ameen).

Fasihuddin Ahmed (Late)
Former General Secretary
Mr. Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui followed the footsteps of his great father, Al-Haj Moulvi Rayazuddin Ahmed (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Pakistan) the founder of Anjuman- e-Islamia Trust. He was a very active, dedicated and competent member of the trust.
Mr. Muhammad Uzair Siddiqui, started his career as a banker, served BCCI for a number of years and thus, had a great insight in the financial affairs.
Moreover, he devoted time for the day to day affairs of the standard of Jinnah Polytechnic Institute, he gave all his time and energy for the uplift of the Polytechnic Institute, initially, with his father and this continued even after his death till he breathed his last on19th, February 2016.
Another major area of his expertise was in civil works. He planned, guided and instructed in the construction of the Institute and renovated the existing building of Zubaida Polytechnic Institute/ Jinnah Intermediate College for Girls. He played a major and leading role in the physical uplift of the Institution. The spacious and excellent buildings that exist today are the results of his untiring efforts.
The vacuum created by his loss will be difficult to fill. The existing structure will always remind us of his great contribution and dedicated services for the Institute. We will always remember him for his generous, affectionate and caring attitude. May his departed soul rest in peace (Ameen).

Muhammad Uzair (Late)​
Former Treasurer​
Mr. Zahid Hussain Usmani (late) devoted his time for the day-to-day affairs and for uplifting the standard of Jinnah Polytechnic Institute. He also served as the Principal of Zubaida Polytechnic Institute till his last breath on 28th November, 2020. He gave all his time and energy for the strengthening the technical education in the Nation via Jinnah Polytechnic & Zubaida Polytechnic Institue. He was a very active, dedicated and competent member of the Anjuman-e-Islamia Trust Pakistan.
Mr. Zahid Hussain Usmani (late) was emtrusted with the responsibility of serving the Jinnah Polytechnic Institute as Principal. He realized the important role of educated boys in the technical education. With this aim he arose to use the tool of education to empower boys with his pure innate intention to serve for the cause of technical education. He was humble person for the weak, the destitute and the needy. His death created a vacuum and to feel his absence is certainly painful for every person in the Institute. It is a fact that present state of the Institute in terms of infrastructure, academic pursuit and all relevant aspect in this regard is due to tireless, sincere devotion of Mr. Zahid Hussain Usmani (late). All stakeholders of the Jinnah Polytechnic Institute are thankful and pray for the eternal peace of his departed soul (Ameen).

Mr. Zahid Hussain Usmani (Late)
Former Principal JPI
Member Anjuman-e-Islamia Trust